David J. Collum

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Day 5: When God Becomes Palpable (Luke 1:57–66)

Today’s Passage: Luke 1:57–66

There are moments when God reveals himself—reveals that his divine and supernatural hand is present. Not to get too far ahead, but verses 68 & 78 say “God visits.”

These stories Luke has put before us, the ones he has researched, interviewing eyewitnesses, are stunning. Angels appear, women who should not be able to conceive are able, men are struck mute, while the unborn leap for joy.

You might say that the space between God’s heavenly world and his physical world—is thin. The Celtic people speak of these thin spaces.

I mentioned there was a dark time in my life when God’s light shined very brightly. I had been praying for weeks, every night, for hours. One night I was jarred awake. It felt like someone was with me. It was weird, even a bit frightening. I believe it was God letting me know he was present in my life. He was letting me know I was not alone.

Have you ever found yourself in such a thin space? How did you react? What did God reveal to you about himself, and you, in this space?

Maybe you have not had this experience. Please know, I am not suggesting you chase after having one. What I am suggesting is that if God is real, and if God intervenes into our affairs, then perhaps there are events in our lives, that if we look at them the right way, God’s presence becomes clear, even palpable.

What do you think of such an idea?