David J. Collum

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Day 6: Looking Forward (Luke 1:67–80)

Today’s Passage: Luke 1:67–80

At first these verses seem a bit like Mary’s praise we just read, but there is a difference.

Most of Mary’s praise is claiming that God has done what he promised, by looking upon her with favor. Here, Zechariah is praising what has been done—but he is looking forward. In the life of this young baby lay a herald. His son will proclaim that the long-awaited time has come. That moment in history that Zechariah in the holy place of the temple prayed for, is now happening. He of course could not proclaim it because he could not speak. Now, as he regains his voice, his first words are to tell everyone that the Savior of the world is coming.

Zechariah sees God acting in his present-day world as confirmation that God will fulfill his promises.

Where do you see God acting today that confirms a promise of old?