David J. Collum

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Day 30: Team Briefing #1 (Luke 9:1-36)

Today’s Passage: Luke 9:1-36

A day earlier, I asked us to consider what it was like for Jesus. Today I am trying to look through the lens of a disciple. Perhaps that is the more appropriate lens.

To be clear, we have more information than the disciples had. We know how the story ends. We also, if we are followers of Jesus, have the Holy Spirit. They, if I might say, are in more of a muddle then we are.

Yet, when it comes to following Jesus, I seem to inhabit muddles.

Consider Jesus the manager/delegator. With a brief set of instructions, he sends them out. He sends them out amid political turmoil. Imagine that he, Jesus, is all over the news. You are with him in a large group, a group that he is in. Then, he divides you up, and without his storm-calming presence, he launches you on a mission.

It goes great. Upon your return, after the appropriate celebration, your day with Jesus is one that is again overrun with large crowds. This time you get to feed them. Finally, a break. You go away with him to pray. Yet in what was to be a moment of solace you are confronted with his true identity, told that he will be killed (but be raised after three days?), and told that if you want to follow him, it will cost you your life.

Is your head spinning yet? Didn’t we just return from doing some really cool ministry?

We have no idea what happened in the intervening eight days, but we do know that Peter, James, and John’s heads would spin even more as they see Jesus transfigured into his glory.

So, what is the point? Perhaps, a point is that when we follow Jesus, we are not in control, he is. Which leads me to ask, as I follow Jesus, am I trying to use him to control my world—or have I surrendered that? How about you?