David J. Collum

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Mark 11: 12 - 25

These days, amid the Corona Virus, we are facing some tough realities. 

We ask questions. These are tough situations. We scratch our heads.

We also scratch our heads about Scripture. Jesus cursing a fig tree, and the attendant result, seems sideways to all we have read about Jesus. 

Yet you’ve seen this before in Mark. It’s a sandwich. 

This bit of Scripture starts with the Fig Tree, moves to Jesus’ confrontation in the Temple, and returns to the now withered tree. 

The Temple scene is straight enough. Jesus enters his Father’s house and finds it is not being used for its purpose—the glory of God. I reflect on Jesus’ reaction here.

Imagine the tension growing in Jesus, as the Cross grows closer. 

Jesus’ deep desire is that people worship his Father. That they would receive Him. That they would be God’s light to the world. That they, like the fig tree, would bear fruit.

Jesus’ deep desire is for us to have faith in his Father.

Consider this sandwich of Scripture. The Fig Tree, which should provide fruit, is not. The Temple, from which all worship of God should flow, is not. In the end, the Fig Tree, as too the Temple, are falling short of there purpose.

The ultimate fate of the Fig Tree is a reminder of an ultimate strong reality. We don’t often like thinking about it, but it is nonetheless there.

When we find ourselves scratching our heads, we should look to higher realities.

Which is why I don’t want to poke the people of Jesus’ day. Rather we need to look for the higher reality. Consider what Jesus said to his disciples. 

Have faith in God25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Have faith in God, in Jesus. Our trespasses are forgiven by the blood of Jesus when we repent and turn back to God. 

It is this somber reality, that the Good News shines upon.

Scratching your head about what is going on in the world? Look to the ultimate reality. Have faith in God.