I have a passion to see people meet Jesus and get to know God.
This is Bailey, our rescued chocolate lab. Don't be fooled... he loves mom more than me. He's actually gazing at her off to the right in this very photo.
Why? Because for years I was one of those guys who tried to follow all the rules, do everything right, and I even had some success. In the end though, my focus on “being right” led me to actually behave as if I were "always right.” I was no fun to be around. God in his mercy let things fall apart, and then met me in my brokenness.
Today, I am the chief executive officer of The Pocket Testament League, a 125-year Christian ministry that, as of 2016, has shared the Gospel with over 130 million people... all started by a 12-year old girl!
This is my personal blog. I write on what I love: scripture, life, love, leadership, and thinking about God and our world. At times I write about a current event, especially as a contemporary situation relates to one of these areas.
My goal in any area is to be able to communicate in a practical way. Practical theology, practical leadership, practical... well, you get the idea.
My philosophy is “Read—Think—Act.” Sometimes the “act” is to do something, sometimes, it is to change how I think about a situation.
For me, is not enough to simply “read.” Quite frankly, however, a lot of really smart people have gone before me, so I want to learn as much as I can... think about their ideas, make them my own, and then put them into action
My goal is to create insightful content that not only presents ideas, but presents them in ways that helps unpack situations for you, causes you to think about them more deeply, and then possibly challenges your thinking/actions... and have you challenge mine. I love your feedback, and I look forward to it.
If you are in a position of leadership—or aspire to be—then this blog is for you—because Leadership is always about finding the best way forward.
I typically post three to four times a week. To make sure you don’t miss my newest posts, make sure you subscribe! I also accept a limited amount of advertising.
If you are new to my site, I would recommend these posts. They are either some of my popular posts, or they are from some of the more popular talks I have given.
My Biography
I have had a few careers. From 2005 and through mid 2016 I was an active Pastor and Priest, serving as the 20th Dean of the Cathedral of All Saints in Albany, NY and as one of the Episcopal Diocese Archdeacons.
Prior to going into full-time ministry, I was employed by the Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory of Niskayuna, New York for some 25 years. It was (and is) a great organization that was part of General Electric, and then Lockheed Martin. I learned so much about leading people and organizations. My last position was very cool. I was Vice President, Fleet Support Operations, and was responsible for the nuclear power plants of our nation’s fleet of nuclear submarines. I worked with giants.
My undergraduate work was in engineering at the United States Merchant Marine Academy and I hold advanced degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, St. Bernard’s School for Ministry, and Trinity School for Ministry. I am a retired Lieutenant from the United States Naval Reserve.
My passion is to welcome people into a dialog about God. I believe God is real. I believe God’s “realness” was never more fully on display than in the God-man Jesus Christ. I love to share with others how I, and people through the ages, have come to know God through his Son Jesus Christ. I love to engage about how Science and Faith can dialog. I love to help people read and appreciate God’s Word. I love to encourage God’s People to share the love of Jesus.
This is my personal blog. The opinions I express here do not necessarily represent those of my employer, The Pocket Testament League. The information I provide is on an as-is basis. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this blog, and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.