Genesis Day 27: The power of your belief

Genesis 15:1–6

“Believe in yourself!” This mantra is a favorite for coaches seeking to encourage, cajole, and use whatever means they can find, to help their protégé excel.

To be sure, self-confidence goes a long way to success. Not too many people stood at the start of a race and said, “I’m going to lose”—and then actually won. I’m sure there are exceptions, but more winners began with a positive outlook.

The point: belief is powerful.


I was recently sharing with a friend and coach that I was struggling, questioning a few things in my life. He asked, “David, do you believe God appointed you for this position?” His tone was sharp. His question caught me off guard. My hesitation led him to press in further, “Didn’t you share with me your prayers leading up to this position, and God’s confirmation?” Again, a sharp tone. “Well sure, but…” was my answer.

Before I could finish, he responded, “Then what’s the problem, you need to believe God... really BELIEVE GOD.”

Easier said then done some days. There is a famous moment when a man with a very ill son, after asking Jesus for help cries out, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.”

Today, I want to invite us to ponder the power of verse 6.

And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness. (v. 5-6)

Abram believed—God noticed. In fact, God “counted it to him as righteousness”.

What does this mean? It means that Abram was right with God. Not because he did anything. No, Abram was right with God because despite the odds being totally stacked against Abram and Sara having a child, Abram believed God.

God’s response to Abram’s belief is powerfully and profoundly straightforward. God says, “Abram, because you believe in me—you are right with me.”

The Creator of the universe, the One who has every right to demand we DO all sorts of things, is looking for One Thing… that we believe in Him.

Think about that: God wants you to believe in Him. It is not that God needs me or you to believe in Him, but He wants us to really believe in Him, and all the potential that carries with it.

How do you process that? What do you think of that?

God’s reaction to us, when we believe, is exactly the same, He makes us right with God. (Romans 3:22-26 & 5:1-11)

Do you believe in the God of Abram?