Day 24: The Method of Jesus (Luke 6:1-16)

Today’s Passage: Luke 6:1-16

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There is a lot going on in these texts. On any given day, you can probe any number of different dimensions. As I read the text today I sense some things are connected.

Consider what Jesus does. He lives by God’s principles yet is not a rules-for-the-sake-of-rules person. He teaches in the synagogue. He heals the sick wherever and whenever they appear. He prays before he acts, and then acts. He invests in others.

Let’s simply try and list what he is doing as bullet points:

· Work through others. (Jesus invests years of his life in the 12 that he is sending.)

· Pray regularly. Pray before big decisions.

· Be compassionate and merciful.

· Teach others around you.

· Be with God’s people in worship.

· Know inside and out the principles behind the rules you are ordering your life by. In the case of a follower of Jesus, this means the Bible.

What I just listed seems like his business model—maybe even a life model. Do you have a similar list? Try jotting it down below.