Day 35: Focus Not Fear (Luke 12:1-34)

Today’s Passage: Luke 12:1-34

Pause to reflect.png

Consider the varied topics Jesus covers in this section.

1.       Beware of hypocrisy

2.       Beware of being cast into hell

3.       Beware to acknowledge Jesus

4.       Beware of blaspheming against the Holy Spirt

5.       Be not anxious when you get dragged in front of rulers

6.       Do not store up for yourselves earthly treasure

7.       Do not be anxious about any part of your life

Fascinating. As I look down the list, I ask myself why I might, for example tell two different stories (be a hypocrite), or why I might not acknowledge Jesus, or even not admit to following him in front of the government, or why I might worry about money, food, or clothing?

I believe the answer is FEAR. Jesus even says in verse 32 to fear not.

For me, telling me what not to do is important. Please note, however, that we are not left alone. Jesus isn’t giving us tall orders, waving good-bye, and saying good luck. No. We read that the Holy Spirit is present. We read the example of the sparrows and how we are worth so much more.

Essentially, Jesus is pointing out that there is a bunch of stuff that vies for our attention, our focus. He is pointing out that there is a real cost to focusing on the wrong things—an eternal cost. He tells us not to fear, because fear lies as the root motivation for so many of these.

When I look down my calendar I find myself asking, what is my real focus? Same question when I look at my checkbook/credit card statement. Where would you look to determine your real focus. What might be the underlying fears? Finally, what might you and I adjust?