Day 38: Please Pass The Salt (Luke 14:1–35)

Today’s Passage: Luke 14:1-35

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Dining with Jesus sounds great. We have several episodes in Luke where people break bread with our Lord. In this instance, Jesus takes the initiative and deals with healing on the Sabbath. Maybe I should not be amused, but I picture him thinking, “Not again, fine, let’s just get this fella fixed up, and I will deal with these religious types.”

He goes on to make two points. Do not exalt yourself, and do not delay in coming to God’s banquet. He is again poking at the religious of the day. He is poking at people like me! People who would dare to write about the Word of God. It is not that writing about God’s Word is bad. It is not—so long as I don’t presume I somehow deserve a better place. I do not. Nor because of the all the words, can I tell God, “be there in a minute.” I could not do that with my mother when she called me to dinner. Why would I ever presume upon God.

Yet Jesus offers another caution. This time it is to the crowds. Count the cost he says. Elsewhere I have contrasted fan versus follower. Jesus is not interested in fans. He is interested in people who are offering him their hearts—so that he might transform our hearts, so that we might join him in this kingdom work—so that God the Father may be glorified.

Do you see the point? Our relationship with God is not for our own keeping. It is not for privileged positions, nor does it place us above our Master, thinking we can respond when and if we feel like it.

No, our relationship with God joins us to him and his reconciling kingdom work.

Am I assuming a privileged position? Do I pick and choose which of God’s calls I am responding to? Am I salty enough?