Day 47: Clarity Amid Confusion (Luke 21)

Today’s Passage: Luke 21

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While one chapter earlier, I had clarity, I find parts of this confusing.

The widow giving sacrificially makes both sense, and is challenging. Beyond that bit, I find myself struggling.

Then I realize I have heard this before. I sat there, flipping back and forth until I came to Luke 15, 16, and 17. I am struck by the similarities to Luke 20 and 21.

Consider that in chapter 15 and 16 we get fairly clear teaching.

In chapter 17, he warns the disciples to avoid temptation, and tells a story about people who have been given much, yet only one says thank you. The religious stick their heads up (again) and ask about the end of the age. He responds with a cryptic teaching about the coming of the kingdom. 

In 20 and 21, I see a similar flow. Chapter 20 is very clear, complete with a warning to not be like the religious of the day. Beyond the widow’s offering, Jesus hears people focusing on the temple. He shifts to predicting the fall of Jerusalem, and some not-so-straightforward words regarding the end of the age are spoken, and Jesus ends by encouraging us to stay awake. 

In the flow of both he starts off in a very straightforward manner. Yet, in one case, people are speculating about end times, and in another case, they are focused on the temple instead of God—in both cases he shifts gears. He becomes (at least for me) hard to understand. He warns to not be like the religious who ask these questions, or others who get to comfortable.

I think Jesus is telling me, “You keep up with your bit, and let me worry about the rest. It’s not your responsibility.”

How are you processing this bit of Scripture? Look back at the questions you wrote in the post before this one. Would Jesus shift you off of them?