David J. Collum

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Day 36: Focus Leads to Action (Luke 12:35–59)

Today’s Passage: Luke 12:35-59

The full title: Focus Leads to Action because Life Is Not a Disney Movie.

If you look closely at the text, you will notice I divided this post and the one right before it almost mid-sentence. The intensity in this section seems to increase with each statement from Jesus.

He has moved from telling us what to not focus on, to telling us to be found at work when God returns. How important is it that we be about the Master’s business? Jesus does not mince words. To us who claim to have Jesus in our hearts, can I just say, much has been given. In fact, I can’t think of anything greater. Therefore, much is expected.

These are sobering words from our Lord. Excuse my sarcasm, but life is not a Disney movie. Look, I love many Disney movies. There is just one problem. They are fantasy. Don’t confuse your life with them.

It would be easy to read only these words from Jesus and kind of freak out. It seems like Peter gives voice to that sentiment. Remember, this is in a section where Jesus is telling us not to worry about all the wrong things—but rather to be focused.

And Jesus is not saying, you and I have to do good works to enter eternity. He is saying, if you and I go about proclaiming and professing to be his followers, well, our lives must have the right focus. How will we know? It is actually rather simple... just look at what we are spending our energy on.