Posts tagged Genesis 19
Genesis Day 35: The End of the Line…

How many news stories are there, that when you hear them, you cringe?

And the reality is, they are not really new. You know what I mean. Certainly, the names of the people involved are new, but the base story isn’t. Same stuff, different people, year after year. Yet no matter how many times we hear the story, well, we still cringe.

I cringe as I read these eight verses from Genesis 19. They chronicle “the end of the line” for Lot. We won’t read any more of him.

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Genesis Day 34: When your heart is divided…

The phrase “a house divided cannot stand” was powerfully used by President Abraham Lincoln in his acceptance speech to become the Republican candidate for Senator for the state of Illinois. Sam Houston had used the image years earlier…and Jesus many years earlier. How about our hearts? What does it look like when our hearts our divided? Are we “able to stand”?

Why do I bring this issue of division up? Simple. There are a few different ways we could look at the text today.

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