Posts tagged Genesis 2
Genesis Day 8: Practice makes perfect?

When was the last time you learned a new skill? Maybe a new language, a musical instrument, or a hobby, like painting or golf? You have to start at the beginning. Getting better at something, creating new habits and routines, building our “gut responses” and “instincts” – all that takes time and repetition, doesn’t it? We have to “drill” the basics in order to get somewhere, and to know how to respond when we’re met with a challenge.

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Genesis Day 6: What's your dog's name?

When you got a pet and it was time to pick a name, how long did it take? Seriously.

Our dog is named Bailey. He came to us named Whiskey, and we thought, “No, no… he’s not Whiskey.” So, we thought of about 5 other names. He’s Bailey.

How about selecting a name for a child? Even if you do not have children, I expect you have come across one or two new parents who agonize over this task. Why is naming important to us?

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Genesis Day 5: If you don’t like “the God of the Old Testament,” check out Genesis 2!

There is a phrase some use. “That’s my baby!” We apply it to our boats, our cars, the latest creation we’ve made…even our…babies. It communicates our deep connection, our deep investment, our deep love—for whatever is crowned with that phrase. When you pour yourself into something—your sweat, your energy, yourself—it is natural to become deeply committed.

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