Posts tagged John 6
Day 18: All for one - and one for all

More than a Post-It Note, sticking with someone, through thick and thin is admirable. What does it take? Some of us are good at sticking with people. Some of us know who we should stick with, and who we should not. Maybe a few of you are the “sticky” type, and people stick to you! Either way, are you in a group that is “stuck together”? What does it take?

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Day 17: You are what you eat (bread of life, part 3)

How do we “proclaim” that we are one with Jesus? We are what we eat. We identify ourselves by that which we take into ourselves. Yes, the language is shocking. Not because it strikes of cannibalism, but because the God that is above and beyond all, is inviting us to have oneness, to have communion, with Him.

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Day 16: Don't spit out your food (bread of life, part 2)

Today we read that Jesus’ hearers, you know the ones that got in boats and tracked him down to the other side of a lake, are grumbling. Why? Because he says he is their source of security, of eternal food—He is the Bread of Life. And then he presses in. He is offering more than security. He is offering them their destiny.

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Day 15: Hard to swallow (bread of life, part 1)

Bread of life part 1: When I don’t like something, even if I have never tasted it, my first reaction is to reject it. Many a parent has told their child that what they were eating was chicken, when it was anything but. Some ideas can be especially difficult to swallow, too... the mere suggestion of them can be like an unwelcome odor from an unusual food. Especially if we were expecting something else.

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Day 14: If you could be king/queen for a day

If you could be king/queen for a day, what would you do? Does a list come quickly to your mind? After all, wouldn’t the world be better if you were in charge? I know that is a bit sarcastic, but honesty compels me to admit: I have often become frustrated because I was not in charge! Today we read about Jesus being in complete control. 

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